Friday, 30 January 2015

What We Did This Week - January 26th-30th, 2015

Special volunteers this week:
-We had Jeremy and Sue to help with work. My mom came to help with Tree Families. We have people joining us for skating - Mutsumi, Michael, Graeme, Patrick, Gerard and Silvia -Lilah

-we went up to the library and got books. - Ike
-we are continuing to work on our #OneLittleWord projects. 
-we did Free Writing where we could write about anything we wanted -Ike
-we made a book for Lise and we wrote about what she can do when she's retired and we'll miss her. I wrote that she can go to an island and meet sharks and drink from coconuts. It was just cute. We made a pretend page from the degus. They said, "Now you won't kick our ball anymore!". Lise thought it was really funny! -Sophie
-when we were on the carpet, Shauna gave us each one strand of spaghetti that wasn't cooked. She showed us that since we couldn't go to gym because there was another class in there. She showed us that she was proud that we didn't just snap like a raw spaghetti, but we were flexible like a cooked spaghetti -Rowan

-if you're practicing IXL at home, make sure grade 3s are working on "O and P" and grade 4s are working their way through "O, K, and L". Don't forget, if you're logging on at home, you need to add "@churchillps" to your username!
-We are working on our little books about what daily life is like in Canada at nine different times of the day.
-So, we have a book and we either can pick a weekend or a week day and it's about time. Day book. We are going to share our books that we made with people from different places. - Ava Cat
-we are exploring area and perimeter - on Tuesday, we played with pattern blocks and discovered how to calculate area of one block and two blocks put together in a composite shape. Some people were surprised that they couldn't just add the perimeters of their two separate shapes to discover the perimeter of a composite shape.
-we're making these maps to create a really cool park with a bunch of activities that people can go it. The total area is 100 units squared. Each attraction can be 10 square units. You can use 10 attractions. You have to have 40 square units of green space. I know we are doing "Me on the Map", but only Ava Cat and I know what that is - Oyster

Social Studies
-we are continuing to explore  "Project Explorer" and are going to be doing a lot with this website this month. 
-we watched two Canada videos on Project Explorer and discussed what we learned with Gillian's class. We were interested to learn that curling was invented in Scotland! We voted on our favourite maple syrup treats and shared memories of visiting the Sugar Bush.

-on Friday, Alena and Anthony will be coming in for our biology/3D printing firefly workshop
-we're doing the, they are humongous like robot fireflies - Ali

Phys Ed
-in Gym, we played a modified version of World Domination that was purposefully unfair. We talked about how there are some real situations in life that are unfair and even though someone or one group has an advantage or a disadvantage, it doesn't mean we can predict exactly what will happen
-we did a lot of Phys Ed in the past, we did World Domination with very not working teams. Unfair teams. I was the only one on my team. I never got off the team. We did it to be interesting -Tom
-I'm pretty sure our favourite game is World Domination -Shaner

-we learned about Brain Gym and how some simple movements connect the two sides (hemispheres) of our brains and help us focus and think. We practiced Cross Crawl, Lazy 8s and doing tiny Lazy 8s on our friends' backs
-In Brain Gym, if our brains are wiggly waggly and we need to calm down, you can do Lazy 8s by putting your head on your shoulder and draw 8s like they're lying down. Or you can do Cross Crawls, or you can point at someone and do an 8 in the air, someone can do Lazy 8s on your back. For Cross Crawls, you can do them in the coatroom.-Liamchu

-We are doing something called #OneLittleWord, you have to say 7 things you're good at, 5 things you're working on and one little word to keep you on track with those things. Then you plan 3 ways to achieve that. Then, you make a painting with water paint and put your picture on and cut out things for your word and put that on your painting. We put salt on the paint too and after a day, you brush it off and it looks cool -Katie

-Friday, it was Lise's last day. So we celebrated it. The things that we do in French are Pouce and Around the World. Sometimes, we do Violetter, Orange et Vert and Les Carrottes - Indi


Tree Families
-our theme this month is integrity. Our big idea is: stand up for what you believe in
-we'll be seeing our Tree Families on Wednesday from 8:20-9:40 a.m. for our Workshops!
-remember, parents are welcome to join Tree Families! You can join your child in a multi-age group every Wednesday morning for read alouds, discussions and activities!
-In Tree Families, we did Workshops, we missed the last one, but this one, my Tree Family did board games with Heather, but everyone else does everything else with another teacher -Indi

Other News

NOTE: This post will be updated periodically throughout the week, check back often for more updates!

What Stuck With Us - January 28th-29th, 2015

What's your name?What stuck with you today?Anything else you'd like your class to know?
SamI practiced time.
JamesI learned some stuff about babies.The baby was named wesley.I learned it by seeing wesley and Owen D's mom named Tara.
RowanWhat stuck with me today was tweeting for the first time ever!
tommy wommeyI learned in my math book a lot of things that are awesome some of them where very very
Ava kitten TRYING TO FINISH MY MAP !!! and i am excited for tomorrow ! Me and toni are going to do a pip
Sophie ster I learned what happens when salt goes on watercolors we should try horder to be good!!!
miss Katie the LadyMy dad came in for math and we did a math duotang.In language we had to design our own map with a partner.Me and Ava bunny where partners and it was fun.I'M GETTING CRUTCHES!!!
ike what stuck with me today was creating the park maps. I learned about area and perimeter when I was doing math.
Lilahthat i am gowing to hav a fon tim with my klasno
Twanetta I learned that some schools theres a test some are you have to draw a person and the mark is 12/12 that means that you will total be in the school. If you do something else you might. :)
indiuAt the end of the day, Mariko and I had to restart our project on the maps. Isaac was laughing, saying `you are gonna be toast` and I started laughing out loud after that. It was fun and funny and I burst out laughing again.
Owen Bubosten Delage What stuck with me today is that I got so much work today. Also What stuck with me was a mystery person is coming tomorrow. Nope.
shanerI liked when we continued on our park map
OysterI learned that math is easy. I learned that by doing a easy math sheet. I t was awesome (and easy)
MarikoI learned weat is Moode colors from the Ounelittilword.Nope.
r r o o b b e e r r t t ! ! !i liked the to paint in my tree familie and the one little word painting i would like to that again some time
IndiWE had tree families,art and it was awesome LOVE: INDI...B JOHNSON
Lilahi lrnd h2o mens wodre. i am having a pladat with Ava no
Owen Stowen Fowen DelageWhat stuck with me was the outdoors gym.Nope.
SamI learned that there is a x axis
Ava catWhen we did the math it was really fun me and my partner called it Aveni park !we did make a mistake and then fixed it!!!!
Sophie fishI got to paint with watercolor.thank you for churchill school.
JamesI learned a lot perimeter and area. I had a lot of fun. I learned it by doing it on the domb board. (that's what I call the smart board)
RowanWhat stuck with me today was learning about graphs in my math group.
Twanetta I did my back round for #onelittleword but I am not finished. :(
But we are going to gym. :)
We're going skating, and firefly making this friday
o y s t e r I learned art is awesome. I learned that from doing art pictures that look awesome. It was awesome !!! :) :) :)
Liam The PikachuWhat Stuck With Me Today Is I Learned About Area And Perimeter How I Learned It Was Shaunas Area And Perimeter Doc!!!AAA...NOO!!!
shanerI learned sait can make stane affected.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

What Stuck With Us - Monday, January 26th-Tuesday, January 27th, 2015

What's your name?What stuck with you today?Anything else you'd like your class to know?
miss KatieToday I went to a mathgroup and we did geometry and it was really fun.We did art today for our one little word and mine turned out really nice.I had a great day even though I can not walk my foot hurts when I step on it :(no.
Indiour class played world domination and shauna divided the teams by if your a girl or boy and grade.
MarikoI learned what's the difference between area and perimeter. Area is the inside of something. Perimeter is the outside of something. I learned it in a class. It was Math class. I tried something. I tried to match my shape with a little triangle.
Owen Bubosten Delage What stuck with me was michels math group.Nope.
SammyI learned that area and perimeter can be defence.
JamesI learned a lot about area and perimeter. Area is the inside of, say the carpet, and perimeter is the outside of something. I learned it by watching a video and playing with pattern blocks. We picked two shapes to make a shape and count the perimeter of it. We used P= to show the perimeter. We did it on a piece of paper that has triangles.
shanerI learned area and perimeter can be different from what the shape is.
TimI learned about area and perimeter
o y s t e r I learned area and perimeter.area is the inside of something perimeter is the outside of something . I learned that from Shauna she gave us work on area and perimeter. It was AWESOME!!!
Ava Cati liked the Art we did!
i learned the math things that we did.
ikewhat stuck with me today was when we learned about area and perimeter I learned the difference between area and perimeter.
Liam The PikachuWhat Stuck With Me Today Is I Learned Germinate How I Learned It Was Michel's Math Group!!! PLEASE Can My Class Nickname Be M.R Pikachu? PLEASE?!!! Thank You!!!
RowanWhat stuck with me today was doing the painting for our one little word new years resolutions.
LilahWe lrnd Area and Primdr it wos fonno
huddy-buddyi liked art because its fun!!!aaa NOOO!!!|
Twanetta I learned about AREA and PERIMETER and how there different.
Area is the inside of something.
Perimeter is the outside of something.
I am so sad that Lise is retired
tommy wommeyWe learned about area and perimeter. We watched a tiny bit of a video called Prime Radicals. Area is the inside square space of somethings. And the perimeter is the outside of something. You measure the area and perimeter. We just did a little sketch thing where you make two shapes, they can be the same shapes and then you get them together and count the perimeter, but we didn't do the area today.
Owen Stowen Fowen DelageToday what stuck with me was the new teacher because he was a very good teacher.Nope.
tommy wommeyI learned on we give books that our class have read more than 745 books.
JamesI learned the difference between a.m. and p.m. It was easy to do it. a.m. is in the morning and p.m. is after 12:00 noon. I learned it with my mom, she helped me with it on my Canadian Day book.
RowanWhat stuck with me today was getting a book about hamsters. I am especially glad about this because I have a hamster and maybe this book will help give me some tips on how to take care of my hamster.
MarikoToday we did a free write and we went to the library and my books' names are Mythical Beasts and Magical Monsters and the second book is a magazine from Chickadee.Nope.
R0BERTT00i learned about time
o y s t e r I learned that guest teachers are awesome and I learned that from Andrew aka Mr.L he was really awesome. IT WAS AWESOME!!!
IndiI am writing a book about a girl in class
ikeWhat stuck with me today was when we did the canadian day book it was really fun I learned the difference between am and pm.
shanerI liked when we free write.
miss Katie the LadyI really hurt my ankle at recess but my friends where a great help.
(thats what friend are there for!)There was a nice substitute teacher in because shauna is not here.We went to the library,had math and language and all of it was really fun!!!
Lilahi helpt kate cos kate hrt her self mac now fren's .
Liam The PikachuWhat Stuck With Me Today Is I Learned Some Free Writing How I Learned It Was In My Writing Book!!!AAA NOO!!!
Twanetta I learned that a fire truck is red because it stands out and the paint is not expensive.Andrew was very very very fun!!!
Ava catmaking are canadien book i learned some time.It was fun!!!NOPE!!!
hudsoni liked library!!!aA NO!!! bye shuna
ShaunaI want to use Prime Radicals

Friday, 23 January 2015

What Stuck With Us Today? Friday, January 23rd, 2015

What's your name?What stuck with you today?Anything else you'd like your class to know?
SammyI learned about mountain goats. We were watching a movie about it.
JamesI had lots of fun today. I had fun writing what I do in the morning and when I go to school. It was fun writing it because it was easy and I drew some underwear on the page where I wrote about getting dressed.
MarikoI learned that telling time can be kind of easy sometimes and I planned tomorrow in a book.Nope.
graciewhat stuck with me is i can t wate to go to orlando.
TOMMYWe watched a movie called north america it was awesome it is about north
TimI learned some of the movie north america
hudsoni learned about north america i watched a movieaaa NO!!!
roboterwhat stuck with me is i learned that coding is AWESOME!
LilahThat it is friday :) :0 no
Raphie laffy taffywhat stuck with me today is when we watched a documentary on nature and I learned That out there stuff if CANNIBALS!!!
SophieI did not get to do the fireflies.
ikewhat stuck with me today was when we watched the north america video I learned that mountain goats grow a fur coat during the winter. I learned that from the video.
miss KatieToday we did a book about our day and It was was pajama day too.
I wore my favorite pajama and it says DANCE LIKE NOBODYS WATCHING.
We watched a movie called north america and it was really fun.
I also brought 2 of my 3 favorite stuffed animals.
not todayyy!!!
Oyster boyster noyster loyster I learned that coding is AWESOME! I learned that from me doing coding. I felt enjoyed
Ava catWas the movie and the degus i learned some stuff in the movie! i also liked the sharing i did and i will bring totoro in
Pr. Owen M DelageLearning that we are going to have a guest teacher on monday & that Gracie and Raphie are going away. It won't be the same without them.Nope.
Twanetta I learned a little more about we day and that they have a big celebration.
shanerI learned killer whales eat whales. no thanks
Liam The PikachuWhat Stuck With Me Today Is I Learned More About Time How I Learned It Was IXL Math!!! Also It Was PJ Day!!! Yea!!!NO!!!
huddy-buddyi loved pajama day!!!aaa no!!!

Thursday, 22 January 2015

What Stuck With Us Today - Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

What's your name?What stuck with you today?Anything else you'd like your class to know?
Dr. Owen M DelageToday what stuck with me was that we only have 4 minutes of free time.Nope.
Merlin came in today and I noticed from last time and this time he always likes me. He always kisses me all the time. And I think he is adorable. He has a spiny back because he is not fat.

Merlin is a very happy dog. If you have problems reading and you are shy, he is a good dog to be with.
KTToday we had math and it was actually fun.Merlin the funny dog was here too and I got to read to read to him and he also tried to lik my face and put his head in my lap.(he did some tricks too)nopedopeee!
MarikoI learned that telling time isn't that easy. I learned that from going to Michelle's for Math.
isaacwhat stuck with me today was when we read to merlin the therapist dog I learned that merlin loves to be read too.
OysterI learned about math booklets and I went over what I did in my day. I learned this from me doing my booklets. I enjoyed it.
Raphie laffy taffywhat is stuck with me today is when we I did lise's retirement tips and I going to tease her about when your done go to a old folks home.
AliRecess because I played Star Wars with some of my friends at first and second recess.
Sophie ster that merlin came it is exciting to see merlin.
shanerI learned baby's can eat lots of fruit's when there about 9 months
Twanetta I learned even more about time! I had fun doing the book about our day the sad part was I didn't finish I had to do something else with Raphie.
Liam The PikachuWhat Stuck With Me Today Is I Learned More Volly Ball Skylls How I Learned It Was Shannon Taught It To Us!!!NO!!!
RowanWhat stuck with me today was learning about 24 hour time with Michelle in my math group.
TOMMYWell, a visitor came in. His name was Merlin. He's a dog. He is trained to help people who need some care and some happiness, I guess. And he right now is reading, someone in my class is reading him a book and he is a very nice dog.
Ava catBaby Alice she is so so CUTE!!!, merlin is to merlin is a dog that works with kids . Are class is reading to him once in a while on thursdays!Tomorrow i will remember to bring my sharing.
LilahI had a fun day. I got to see Merlin and Alice! I learned not to step on a baby. Cause Alice almost got stepped on. She got bumped in to.
Ava catmath was stuck with me I learned a lot and improved my math skills!
I learned it by working really hard and it was easy and hard.I learned because i focused and worked hard.
I think people can only have the meditation balls if they are quiet with them on the carpet and people can ask for them when the person ois done.Also people shoulld   

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

What Stuck With Us Today - Wednesday, January 21st, 2015

What's your name?What stuck with you today?Anything else you'd like your class to know?
MarikoI learned how inuit dress and what they eat. I learned this from a computer thing called Eco Kids. Me and Rowan and a classmate in Aynsley's class, Alina, we wrote about Inuit clothing and I wrote about what bison teeth was used to. They were used for making necklaces.
ikewhat stuck with me today was when we did the inuit research with aynsley's class I learned what pit houses are.
INDIIn the sharing, Tiìu`s class did a hamster exercise dance. Somebody would say....hide, the cat is coming or run, in your ball. It was really funny. They were tired. My teacher from last year,Alena` s class did a hip hop dance. The music was funny. One of her students did a spin. We did some time problems with Genevieve. I found it really hard. We did a project with Ainsley s class which was also hard. I was disappointed and sad because I didn't get to see the kinders because of the sharing in the gym instead of tree families.
TimI learned more about the inuit.
and that I am better at reading then I thot.
robert bobert sobert gobert cobert mobertansley's class came over to do some work on inuit, i worked with Quin and we did shelter on inuit.
Dr. Owen M DelageToday what stuck with me today was the math lesson with genevieve. even thou I did not do very good, I still liked it. Nope.
TommyWe were gathering up with Aynsley's class and me, James and someone in Aynsley's class called Brett were doing something about Inuits. We were learning about their food. They had a lot of things that they were hunting. The bison had a lot of, there was an image about the bison, they had a lot of things that the Inuit used with its body, such as bladder were used for waterproof bags and the fat was used for putting in sausages to make it juicier.
Sophie fishI got to see Ashley's class it was fun. I am a little disappointed becus my class was noisy!..
LilahI read a link about a inuit and we went together with aynsleys class.
And it was fun.
graciei like it when i got to spend time with dia.
Oyster boyster noyster loyster coyster foyster joysterI learned about Inuit food today.I learned that from Shauna she gave us an assignment for looking up Inuit facts. I enjoyed it.
Twanetta I learned MORE about inuit life and I loved doing the slide show but I am not done.Genevieve's math lesson was so so so fun!!!
RowanWhat stuck with me today was making an inuit slideshow with a buddy from Aynsley's class. My buddy was named Alia.
sammyI learned about inuit clothing. no
hudsoni liked no
JamesI learned a lot of stuff about Inuit. We did it on our Chromebooks with Aynsley's class. I was with Tom and Brett. We were pretty good workers, but sometimes fooled around. I learned it by doing it on my Chromebook with Brett and Tom, which I sort of already told you.
Liam The PikachuWhat Stuck With Me Today Is I Learned About Inuit Food How I Learned It Was We Did A Article On Inuit Food!!!NO!!!
shanerI learned that Inuits trids have different clothing.
miss Katie the LadyI had a great time with Aynsleys class.We had to choose a theme about inuits.Me and my buddy Sidney choose inuit clothing and we were done really fast.Today was sharing day too.I played in ukulele club there was recorders ,violin,guitar and dancing.Every class presented something but ours didn't.We sang goodbye to Lise in french because she is not going to teach us french anymore.
nope dopee!!!

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

What Stuck With You Today? - Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

What's your name?What stuck with you today?Anything else you'd like your class to know?
MarikoI learned how to do a mystery Skype with Shauna in my class and another class in America.Nope.
robert bobePlease write in at least 1-2 full sentences about what stuck with you today in your learningrt sobert gobert cobert mobertwe had a misteri skype call and we did north south east and west in gym and then we did a lot of other games i did a pool noodle fight with Ava Bunnyno
IndiraToday our class had skype. The teachers name was Jim windish there class was in Idaho. They were in the north of the United States. They guessed where we lived first. We didn`t guess theirs right, but at least we had fun trying. And they had awesome guessers.

We did Gym directions and Shauna would call out, `Go find Florida` in the Gym. The middle of the Gym was Ottawa, the chalkboard is on the west, the doors are on the south and the stage is on the north.

I did the self regulation thing. That was a little bit hard, but I finished it.

I got awesome smiley face headphones. Liam`s dad got them for everyone.

For free time, as a goal, I could finish the work that I haven`t finished.
Love, Indi :)
Raphie laffy taffywhat stuck with me today is when we did mystery skype and I learned that in one (forgot the name) place there is a place that is made by lava rocks and it looks like the moon
Ava catI learned that there is a country named idaho.
I learned by mystery skyping a different class and we call it mystery skype because we skype with another class from a different part of the world and people half to ask questions like are you in the southern hemisphere.And they lived in idaho.
Me and grace are going to do a PIP .
SophieThat we did a new Mystery Skype and I learned more how to use a map. And it was really fun because we got to meet the new teacher - Mr. Windisch...I'm really proud of my class today! Cause how all the teachers said that we were doing a good job!
Owen M DelageWhat stuck with me today was learning math with michael because I really liked the game we played with her.Nope.
ikewhat stuck with me today was when we did the mystery skype It was really fun I learned how to pronounce the word idaho.
KTI went to a different math group and we did some reading and clock.
And the gym was fun too because we got to do our own thing.
our new muppet got a name and its name is syd!!!
Liam The PikachuWhat Stuck With Me Today Is I Learned About X And Y Axis How I Learned It Was Michell Thught It To Us.No
Sophie the bunnyMet someone now on mistery skipe
JamesI learned some stuff about Idaho when we did the Mystery Skype. The Mystery Skype was really close, we almost won, but they got first. Sophie asked a question about if they are south in the United States of America. The Mystery Skype was a lot of fun.
Sophie the bunnyMet someone now on mistery skipe
LilahMy klas had a sgip col and it woos foon .
TommyI learned about Idaho today. In Idaho, they have a lot of cool stuff, such as a big mountain that is over 4000 ft and they also have a resort and there's a lake named after their city (Coeur d'Alene). They have a place called Moon Crater. It looks really fun, maybe someday I should go there. I learned that through a Mystery Skype. We talked to a class from Idaho.
Oyster boyster noyster loyster I learned about mystery skype and Gladiator Snails tried to find the other classes place. I learned this from Shauna she set up a skype with a class in cour'd alene. I felt enjoyed.
shanerI learned jim's class live in coeur d'alene in Idaho u.s.ano thanks
Toni/Twanetta I learned more about map and globe and we had a mystery skype call with Mr Jims class.They live in C'oeur D'alene Idaho USA.They found out first that was the bad part.
graciewhat is stuck with me i ideho i want to vist it.
Sammyeee rrr
hudsoni liked gym!!!aaa NO!!!(:(:(:):):)