Wednesday, 18 February 2015

What Stuck With Us Feb 12th-Feb 18th, 2015

What's your name?What stuck with you today?Anything else you'd like your class to know?
Raphie laffy taffywhat stuck with me today is when we got to email some body about ideas for sharks!!!
Timwhat stuck with me today is my spongebob game I got on my moms ipad at home its called spongebob moves in
MarikoI learned how to lone on Kiva. from my class.
ikewhat stuck with me today was when we did kid citizens I learned that the country mauritius grows sugar cane.
JamesI learned that I need to practice cooperation a lot.I learned it by doing A new year's resolution and my word was cooperation.
TOMMY WOMMYI learned that you have to be nice to animals when you are looking at them because some people don,t do that and that is bad but some people do do that and it is awesome
robert bobert sobert gobert cobert mobertwe are goin to gyym
Ava catHannah was very nice! i liked when we got to have free write time it was a fun but freezing day!
Sophies stukI really loved the wok it was really fun!!!I think we did a Green light gob.
Twanetta I practiced typing how I practiced that was...
- I did typing web in the morning after I did How Do You Feel Today Survey!
-I worked on my fundraising plan with Gracie!
graciewhat stuck with me is watercoler panting i love it.
Owen MDWhat stuck with me today was the knew slide I made: THE BEST THINGS IN THE WORLD on google docs. Nope.
shanerWhat stuck with me today is when in the morning we did a winter walk.
alexgoing on the cruse
Mrs. KatieI had freewrite and me,ava cat and lilah are doing a slideshow about degus and it is almost done!no.
Oyster boyster noyster loyster I learned that it's awesome to have more volunteers in the classroom.I learned this from Hannah she was a awesome volunteer! it was awesome!!!
RowanWhat stuck with me today was doing the winter walk around the school.
hudsoni liked the outdoor walk!!!aaa no!!!
M.R Pikachu What Stuck With Me Today Is I Learned Stuff About Skarks How I Learned It Was Shaunas Cousion Sent Us A Email And We Sent One Back!!!So Um Lets See Um So Ok Um So NOOO
Lilahwe had som won namde Hana
huddy-buddyi learned how to snow-shoe and it as really fun because we did it at gatineau park and there was lots of tracks and there was some sort of slide AND THERE WERE LOTS I REPEAT LOTS OF TREES!!!(:(:(:$$$@@@1# 1# 1#mm no not that i recall no no no nop nop nop!!!
r,o,b,e,r,t.éwhat stuck with me today is that we went snowshowing and i had so many wipeouts and i was soaking wet and i was cold and freeeeezing
Jaq clusto Ava bunny rambo delaji braing my mupet to shool ti was fun.Yes! Ti is my unbirthday!!!
Alexandersnow shoeing
Owen Stowen Fowen DelageWhat stuck with me today was The snowshoeing trip because it was fun. The funniest part was when you fell down into the snow.Nope.
TOMMY BOMMYI learned that when you have to make your own tracks when you go snowshoeing me and my class went snowshoeing today I made new tracks it was very very awesome!!!
Timwhat stuck with me today is myself getting freezing cold on the feel trip we had today
IndiraSnowshoeing was fun. But my snowshoe fell of a couple of times.
Raphie laffy taffywhat stuck with me today is when we had a snowball fight at gatineau and we had a lot of FUN!!!
ikewhat stuck with me today was when we went on our field trip to gatineau park. and went snowshoeing I learned that adult snowshoes are smaller then kids snowshoes.
MarikoI learned umm. . . i dont think i remeber because i went to the dentist.
JamesI learned all of the countries of the world today. I did it by listening to the video nations of the world.
Oyster boyster noyster loyster coyster foysterI learned that snow shoeing in the gatineaus is really hard to snowshoe in! I learned that from snowshoeing.
Mrs. KatieMy math group is stuck with me and we went snow shoeing first and then some people went outside and some wont to the museum and made a quiz for the rest of the class.nope dopeee!!!
Atwanetta I learned that animal's have a hard time in the winter because it's hard to hunt & that Grace want's me to watch this show called Pee Body And I don't remember but it's on Canadian Netflix & I have both kinds of Netflix's Canadian and American. :)
PikachuWhat Stuck With Me Today Is I Learned Some Snowshoing How I Learned It Was We Went Snowshoing Today!!!
shanerWhat stuck with we today is when we snowshoeing and when MERLIN came!!
MarikoI learned not to say I am going to die!!! from the sckateing fildtrip
JamesI learned that skating in the wind is very hard.I learned it by going skating at the canal today.
Sophie the penut 19Skating was a sukses.and fun!!!
ikewhat stuck with me today was when we went on the field trip it was really fun. I learned that skating on the canale is really fun.
IndiraI made a wonderful card for shaunayour awesome
TOMMY WOMMYI learned that when you are stuck in the wind do not panic it is very bad and you get very very cold but it gets fun and awesome
Raphie laffy taffywhat stuck with me today is surprising is actually the ride home from the canal because we started singing a song and it was quite fun.
Oyster boyster noyster loyster I learned to increase my skating ability.I learned that from skating today it was cold! I was happy.
Owen MDWhat stuck with me today was finding out that it is going to be a four day weekend!!! Nope.
Ava Kitten The canal My group went 2 kilometers and we were the casual groupq! Nope!!!
shanerWhat stuck with me today is skating because it basically took most of school
RowanWhat stuck with me today was going skating on the canal with my Mom because she was a volunteer.
miss KatieEEEk!!! the degus came to my house!!!The skating was super fun!nopedopee!
PikachuWhat Stuck With Me Today Is I Learned Some Skating How I Learned It Was Most Of The School Went To The Canile!!! It Was AWESOME!!! AAA...NOOO!!! Thanks
Atwanetta I practiced puppet pals, I learnt it because I started a show with Ava.C on it, It was fun!!!

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