Wednesday, 4 February 2015

What Stuck With Us Today - Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

What's your name?What stuck with you today?Anything else you'd like your class to know?
TOMMY I learned that you should never mess up in a video it is very very bad trust me it is I have done it.
MarikoI learned how to tell time from Genaveve's math class.
JamesI learned a lot about clock's.We did clock's with Genevieve, and I was with Oyster, Ava cat and Toni.We did a puppeteer movie with syd and I was the puppeteer for syd.I learned it by doing the puppeteer movie with
The Ownster DWhat stuck with me was the math lesson with Genevieve because I've never been teached like she did. It was really fun making a video with my friends. I'm kind of scared of what my report card will say. This was a really fun day!!!Nope!
indirswell with Genevieve is we did lots of time it was fun like Awesome. Next time I would like to do the stuff that the more advanced kids did even thou it would be hard for menope
robert donkey sonkey lonkey ponkeywe did a pupit cho
Raphie laffy taffyWhat stuck with me today is when Genevieve came in and taught us time
LilahWe had sumboty named Gen .
KTToday Genevieve was teaching us and it was sooo great!
Me,Shane,Owen D and Tom had to make a video that shows Shane teaching Norman how to read the clock.It was really funny because in the middle of the video Tom fell off the chair and we all burst out laughing and I crashed to the ground because Owen d said in to the camera sorry for the misunderstanding!!!
Jaq clusto Ava bunny rambo delajwe learned a bot time. nnnooopppeee
Oyster boyster noyster loyster I learned that videos are awesome!!! I learned that from Genevieve she gave us a task to make a video about Syd (a math lesson.) It was awesome!!!
Ava catIt was very hard to find the words for one little word# and i think syd should behave scared and happy and outside is awesome(syd is a puppet we have in the class)
ikewhat stuck with me today was when Genevieve tout us the time lesson I don't think I learned anything because I already know how to tell time.
Twanetta I learned that there is a gorilla named king and he can paint and recycle. I was very cool!!! Genevieve came to do a math lesson and I got to do a movie with James, Oyster, Ava Cat and me. That was very fun to!
shaneI liked when my group made a video and it failed
hudsnnothin!!! cause were about to do gym ps i love gwl!!!aaa no
LichuWhat Stuck Me Today Is I Learned Time How I Learned It Was Genevieve's Math Lesson!!!AAA...NOOO!!! Thanks

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